The Dumbest and Smartest Thing

I Did a Pyramid Scheme, T’was the Shame of My Life, ’Til it wasn’t.

Neddy Bly
2 min readSep 19, 2022
“Corporate Life is THE Life” by Neddy Bly

I fear you read my words atop a giant pyramid. Like the Earth itself (are you really so sure it’s flat?) the edges of this pyramid are too distant to comprehend. Yet here were are together.

I have been told I need to “recruit” more readers before I can get paid. I will share with you all how much that is. Here is where the magic happens in a person’s life — I was ashamed of my $1.42 cents this month because it provided me with an inconvenient number.

Back to my latest pyramid in a minute, first I must share this (there are too many awesome stories in this existence, I can’t track all of yours AND mine, everyone is responsible for her own story, no outsourcing that!) — I have been raising money. I am already rich. This gets me access to other rich. Some other rich call themselves VC’s. Let’s just leave it at that, it’s nonsense and to grant time to it is demonstration of nonintelligence (0), as opposed to intelligence (1). I told the VC’s my online community was growing 150%, month over month. (It was true, 1, but only through a certain lens, which I kept in my pocket.)



Neddy Bly

Middle-aged, possibly insane, lover of moments, THRILLED to finally feel alive. Obsessed with the constellation of bights (binary lights) between people’s ears.