If You WANT to Know, You Will Know

Most of Y’All Don’t Wanna Know

Neddy Bly
4 min readJun 21, 2022
“Smoke weed everyday!” That was the end of The Next Episode in 2001

Anyone can start reading an article and quit.

Not anyone can comprehend this article without quitting.

I promise you this will “pay off”, as people like to say.

We’ll address our different ideas of paying off at a later date. But here goes, buckle the fuck up.

(That first swear just then was intentional, like a tiny bomb, intended to explode your sensibilities and sensitivities, and if you can just keep your discomfort at bay, you will see something amazing… soon.)

Here we go:

How do you inform the world it’s wrong.

No question mark because I was being coy and should have typed:

The world is wrong.


Individuals rarely enjoy being told they’re wrong.

I once met a particularly repugnant mansplainer, way back in ’08, when no one could imagine Miramax films would be a repugnant brand some day because that was “impossible” to imagine, this mansplainer-before-it-had-a-name (again, mansplainer had to first be imagined) didn’t come out and tell me I was wrong, he slickly (as in he was so oily and insincere, both! eww!! ((this guys was a Jew too, make of that what you will)), #HarveyWeinsteinProtectedLikeCatholicPriests) oily insincere mansplainer said to me, “I think you’re confused.”

He also lectured me that I was flat out wrong when I (sure, female, but tech-fucking goddess and this putz couldn’t spell ‘Exchange Server’ ((it was ’07, so easy there, broder (((bro coder)))))) claimed that this new, near-magic device I had tested earlier in the day called an iPhone was going to devour Blackberry. But — he was a researcher at a hedge fund, so he knew EVERYTHING (the danger of being told you’re smart when you’re young AND not smart, but, again, Jews) and INSISTED Blackberry was too much of a monopoly to ever displace. Little did I know he couldn’t see 2 minutes into the future — didn’t see wife leaving him, or him going broke, saw none of anything coming, meanwhile, I see 20 years into the future. That’s what this intentionally-jumbled and difficult to read missive (message) is really about. The future. Do you want to be happier then than you are now? It’s so incredibly easy if we first make it real. Think about that.

“What’s with the Jew-bashing?”, you rightfully should have asked. If you, actual reader, not author talking to author now, I’m actually talking to you, if deep in your heart you actually hate Jews, that’s fine. You’re just wrong, but it’s totally not your fault (plus wrong is the best kept secret in the universe). It’s the fault of every adult in your life when you were a kid. You didn’t choose that. So, you made it this far, soon-to-be-former-Jew-hater, stick with us!

The Jew derogatory usage (keep in mind we say Jew all the time, it’s not banned from our mouths like Nigger has been ((and that’s a problem))) was simply to get your attention. You awake now? Because you mighta seen that last, bigger (biggest? are we really that close??) bomb go off in your face. The N word. Boom.

The absurdity of black culture, who NEEDED freedom of speech to save itself to reach the mountaintop of free speech in the form of PE, then NWA, then Jay, culminating with Ye, yet y’all control what WE say? We didn’t do a lick of that shit. Not one lick, so fuck off, nigger.

Fuck, she did it again. Who raised this foul-mouthed hooker Neddy Bly?

Why must she use “Nigger”? (Look, I capitalized it out of respect.)

Yes, I’m intentionally extreme. To snap you out of your stupor. You sober up yet? Did the cold water work?

Pills don’t work to snap us out of anything, they send us deeper down rabbit holes. America is more pilled-up than ever before. Humans can’t human with each other anymore. ESPECIALLY CHILDREN!!! Everyone points at phones, you knuckleheads it’s the drugs. Phones (all computers) are just an awesome thing to do on drugs. “But everyone likes the drugs, and the kids being quiet, shut up, don’t rock the boat!! (says Pharma Execs, Hospital Execs, and Wall St Execs, who all need each other to be rich in order to keep themselves rich), who all belong to the same racist fucking country club, George Carlin hammered it home with a hammer gesture matching is vocal artistry: “Golf is a RACIST sport. A RACIST sport” while staring right into the camera.

Enter Tiger.

Enter the 1980’s. Dre and D-o-double-g knew how prevalent weed was. Expose hypocrisy, that’s the secret to making it to their stratosphere (which I’ve been researching my whole life, like Lourde preaches, “They’re gonna watch me disappear into the sun”, that’s what y’all will see, me disappearing into the sun, the flame of my jetpack fading til it’s gone — that’s from your Earth-bound perspective.

Dre, Snoop, and more than anyone — Ye — will see me coming, watch me stick the rocketpack landing like a total fucking badass. Rest of y’all won’t see none of this.


Jay-Z revealed all y’all’s Secret, but it don’t matter. It never matter. On that Letterman debacle. Remember that thing? Or that website Netflix?

“Smoke weed everyday!” That was the end of The Next Episode in 2001. Some of us took that literally, **20 years later**, and yes it destroys your life, but,

The Last line, the final command [msg you leave em with, thanks Danny K]

Evan Hansen You will be found.

Did I say I was

. Had you explained that to

[It’s coming.]

[You don’t wanna miss.]

[Sub, comment.]




Neddy Bly

Middle-aged, possibly insane, lover of moments, THRILLED to finally feel alive. Obsessed with the constellation of bights (binary lights) between people’s ears.